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My book

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Chapter 1

Beep. Another day of school checked off the list. I headed for my mom’s car.

“Hi, Mom.”

“How was school today?”

“It was good. Has my plane come yet I’ve been waiting a week and need it for the weekend flying tournament with my friends?”

“No. It should come any minute, though.”


We arrived home, where I headed for my room. My comic books were calling my name. I plopped in bed to read another issue of Batman while having my window open so I would hear the UPS truck.


“Yes, it’s here.” I glanced outside my window to see Tony, heading up the walkway, and I rushed downstairs to get my package. Before Tony rang the bell, I quickly opened the front door.

“Is the package for me?” I asked, tilting my head to see the address sticker.

Tony was cool, since he gave me the package instead of asking for my parents. This is one of the perks of living in a small town like Carmel-by-the-Sea, where everyone knows one another.

“Here you go, Luke. Have a great day.”

“You, too, Tony. Thanks!” I closed the door and ripped open my package.

Yes, my Sky King plane has arrived. Great, I have to find a screwdriver to put in the battery pack. It looks so cool. The orange-red flames on the wings of this beauty come with a remote control that has two toggles for up, down, left, and right. The controls also show a small stencil of the plane, including a black line to indicate which way the plane is going in case it gets too far away to see.

“Dad, do you know where the Phillips screwdriver is?” I yelled throughout the house.

“Luke don’t bother him, he’s in the lab,” said my mom from the kitchen.

“Okay, Mom,” I replied while running across the living room hardwood floor, spacing on what she said, and opened up the garage door to the lab.

I knew I wasn’t supposed to bother my dad when he was doing experiments, but I only needed a screwdriver so I could put in the batteries. “Hey, Dad, do you know where the screwdriver is?”

“One minute, Luke,” he replied, with his goggles on and a vial in his hand.

My father was in the lab mutating his DNA to change the way he sees the world. This concept has never been done before but since it is 2023, dad thought it would be a good idea to give it a shot before more time passed. This way, he would see people as molecules and get to know people in their purest state. He used the rhodopsin protein and injected his blood into it, then heated it under a hot plate. This rhodopsin protein is valuable due to its ability to help the brain with interpreting light. He was still collecting data to see which temperature would do the trick...




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I know the challenges of school, social life, and what its like to be different so if you ever feel alone or what some advice just reach out at the email below. 


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